A zine discussing the abolition of police forces and envisioning alternatives to traditional policing structures.
Published by Project NIA, this zine explores the flaws of punitive justice systems and offers abolitionist perspectives from incarcerated voices.
A FAQ published by MPD150 addressing common questions about building a society without police.
Published by Project NIA, this visual zine depicts alternative community safety strategies rooted in abolitionist values.
Created by Black Students for Disarmament at Yale, this guide advocates for dismantling the Yale Police Department.
A zine by Zara that examines the connections between Palestinian liberation and global abolition movements through interviews with radical Palestinian women.
Original CUNTS zine, this zine offers alternatives to calling 911, promoting community-based interventions.
Algunas razones para dejar de llamar a la policía & Alternativos a la policía en Atlanta
This zine highlights the ways in which governments and institutions dehumanize and control trans individuals, and the resulting threats to their safety and privacy.
Published by Project NIA, this poetry zine explores the intersections of criminalization and violence against women, framed within abolitionist thought.
A zine by Venomous Butterfly Publications exploring how policing operates globally and its connections to imperialism and capitalism.
Created by Project NIA, this zine discusses building abolitionist communities as alternatives to state violence and punishment.
A reflection by the Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project on prison solidarity organizing and practical abolition strategies.
From "Defund the Police" to Revolutionary Abolitionism After The George Floyd Uprisings. Published by Ruins of Capital.
Published by CrimethInc, this zine offers practical advice for those called out for harmful behavior, focusing on transformative justice.
Written by abolitionists Marianne Kaba and Eva Nagoo, this FAQ addresses common concerns about sexual violence and justice within an abolitionist framework.
A zine discussing the abolition of police forces and envisioning alternatives to traditional policing structures.
Published by Project NIA, this zine explores the flaws of punitive justice systems and offers abolitionist perspectives from incarcerated voices.
A FAQ published by MPD150 addressing common questions about building a society without police.
Published by Project NIA, this visual zine depicts alternative community safety strategies rooted in abolitionist values.
Created by Black Students for Disarmament at Yale, this guide advocates for dismantling the Yale Police Department.
A zine by Zara that examines the connections between Palestinian liberation and global abolition movements through interviews with radical Palestinian women.
Original CUNTS zine, this zine offers alternatives to calling 911, promoting community-based interventions.
Published by Project NIA, this poetry zine explores the intersections of criminalization and violence against women, framed within abolitionist thought.
A zine by Venomous Butterfly Publications exploring how policing operates globally and its connections to imperialism and capitalism.
Created by Project NIA, this zine discusses building abolitionist communities as alternatives to state violence and punishment.
A reflection by the Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project on prison solidarity organizing and practical abolition strategies.
From "Defund the Police" to Revolutionary Abolitionism After The George Floyd Uprisings. Published by Ruins of Capital.
Published by CrimethInc, this zine offers practical advice for those called out for harmful behavior, focusing on transformative justice.
Written by abolitionists Marianne Kaba and Eva Nagoo, this FAQ addresses common concerns about sexual violence and justice within an abolitionist framework.